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Black & White, Simplicity At Its Best...
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Prologue Warning: The Following May Be Unsuitable For Minors! Enter At Your Own Risk! Simply Me! Joshua Yeo,16 Religion: Methodist Personality: Varies From Time To Time (Shy, Cheerful, Outspoken, Cold) St Gabriel's Primary: 1E, 2E Anderson Primary: 3.6, 4.6, 5.6, 6.6 St Gabriel's Secondary: 1E6, 2E6, 3E1, 4E1
Monday, January 26, 2009
Chinese NIU Year! Hi! It has been such a busy and tiring day, we went visiting for CNY, after that I thought I would ahve some rest before heading down to my grandmother's house for some lucky streak, however that was not the case with more relatives visiting us right at home, after they came and went, we had a 30 minutes break and went down to my grandmother's place, it was then that I realise that THERE WERE MORE RELATIVES! Haiz.... Such a wet blanket, O well, it is inevitable though it is not all bad with all the red packets rolling in. Hahas! At night, we played some cards though I lost like 5 dollars but I have gained something which is priceless and that is the time we spent together as a family A.K.A Family bonding time.. =) Random Thoughts Well, I had this thought long time ago but was unable to share it due to not being able to remember to blog it once I get back home that day. Anyway, here's what I thought about: Could there ever be dictionaries for the different dialects? Since being able to be eloquent in dialects is an advantage when looking for jobs especially bank jobs, why didn't anyone think of coming up of dictionaries for the different dialects? To tell you the truth I can't speak my dialect well for nuts but I am able to understand most of it, I am keen to learn but what are my sources? My family members, it will be so troublesome because I have to get my family members to spare some time for me which maybe such an uphill tasks at times considering the things that are needed to be done at home. Then again, you may say that some words are slangs for dialects and all, my answer would why not start a new course? Or maybe gather a group of the oldest people for each dialect group, they would be able to come up with a dictionary given that they are the oldest around and they should have lots of time to spare? These are my thoughts, if you have time, think about it too, I am sure you will be like me, lots of doubts and expectations. Thats all I guess, have to sleep soon to be able to face DAY 2 OF CNY! Nites! =) God Bless, Joshua Yeo
This is the time.. January 26, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Hi! Been awhile since I blogged & lots have happen, it is a wonder how time travels so fast when you don't notice it and the irony is it seems to crawl when you are studying or paying close attention to it. 8 days to release of posting results, how exciting is that? =) Monday Anyway, going back to where I left off, starting with monday, I went out with Rafay, Adwin & Mithiran to Sim Lim Square to buy some parts for Mithiran's Second hand PSP, it was a geart time of catching up especially with Rafay who has been away in America for quite awhile and has only been back recently and lots of interesting events occur too during this outing. For one, we went into this shop whcih Mithiran made an enquiry about the price he could sell his PSP for, the guy sitting there thought we didn't know dialect so he used dialect to converse with his boss about the price and he said something about trying to make Mithiran lose as much money from his secondhand PSP as possible, we left the shop at that instance after that remark. After that, we went to this street nearby where there were lots of shops as Adwin wanted to look for a nice belt, on the way, Rafay & Mithiran was like laughing non-stop and making funny noises, at first I thought it was a bit queer but O well, infectious laughter and Rafay's comical expressions nvr fails, in the end, I was laughing non-stop too. Hahas. We had lunch together at Mac and to end it off, a Tennis game at Rafay house for about 3 hours with Sabeer & Sudah too. Overall, it was quite an exhausting day but it was lots of fun =) Tuesday Didn't go out because I was helping out in both the making of Pineapple Tarts & Bubble Tea, Yum! =) I helped out by making balls of pineapple paste for the tarts and the making of the Tea for Bubble Tea, it was quite fun and satisfactory considering the amount of effort put in and the things we did in the process.. Thats all for this day. Wednesday Was actually asked to go for CAGE today but declined it due to personal reasons and used this day for lots of CSI which I just got hooked on a few days ago, it is really amazing how they solve cases and I wonder if they really do in reality but then again, if that really happens, this world will be 'crime-free' which is IMPOSSIBLE as long as there are humans on Earth due to human nature (greed, jealousy,etc). I think I have mentioned this before, I like these kind of shows because they really show things that are essential for this world that we live in but it is seriously missing in many of us, I myself am guilty of that too, things like love, courage, etc. The other shows are like Survivor, Amazing Race, Ghost Whisperer, Supernatural, Torchwood. You should catch it and you will see what I mean. I guess thats all for all the 3 days but now back to general things, my church is recently on this book called '40 days of community', for all the days that I read, it has really taught and shown me lots of things which I have never known and needed to learn in my life. Things like what matters most in your life, what love really is, reaching out to non-believers and so on. You should grab one of these copies too if you can and I am sure you will learn something too, it is for non-believers too, don't worry! =) It is late now, have to turn in soon, will blog again soon I hope. Until then, have fun and stay happy always! =) God Bless, Joshua Yeo
This is the time.. January 21, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Hi! 14 more days to release of posting results, really hope to get AJC! =) Let's continue with waht happened on thursday then.. It started off early in the morning with a trip down to Yishun MRT to meet my primary school friends and some other people for some street soccer action, we played for around 3 hours and there was this crazy thing we invented which was whenever we needed a break, we would kick the ball out of the boundaries and wait for someone to go pick it up and throw it back into play again, this would roughly take 3 minutes which would give us ample time to rest and prepare for the next attack. I was all along not really good in soccer so I tried my best to keep up with the others but in the end, manage to improve by a bit and was a super bad goalkeeper.. But it is all the name of FUN so in the end, I had lots of it since my friends bothered little or none of my weaknesses. I left after that to meet Glenn at the bus stop outside AJC to go for some 'sight-seeing' in AJC(facilities & environment), overall, it was okay, the environment was certainly for muggers. In the end, I made up my mind to try for AJC since it was very near my house and another plus point would be a cheap Mac nearby at NYP, you must be wondering how can AJ students gain entry to NYP, well now, I am telling you it is possible and I have seen AJC students there since I went for lunch there with Glenn after a 30 mins or so tour in AJC. The Mac meals there were relatively cheaper than the outside ones by 2 dollars which was already quite a tidy sum of money. It was the first time I went into NYP on Thursday and there was one word to describe it, 'WOW!', it was not like other polys I guess, it has a shopping arcade in it and cheap fast food centre as described above. The shopping arcade had a perfume shop, stationary shop, Cheers! & the best of them all, Giordano... I guess if I hadn't chosen to go a JC, NYP would definitely be one of my choices. So thats the end of a yet again, 'eye-opener' day. Friday, I woke up at around 11 am as I slept at 1 am in the morning. The day was spent quite sluggishly with little or no activities at all, there was supposedly to be tennis at night but it was cancelled last minute due to all the timings being booked. I watched a movie at home during late afternoon, it was 'Amityville Horror', it was based on a true story and you wouldn't want to watch it at night though I am not very sure if it is really that scary. If you have a chance to watch, you should =) Thats all folks, good luck to everyone on their posting and enjoy the last 2 weeks of holidays for those intending to go on to a JC education! =) God Bless, Joshua Yeo
This is the time.. January 16, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Hi! 2 more days till the end of submission of the JAE choices and I have yet to submit. I was actually having a headache over SAJC or AJC.. But in the end, suddenly, everything was clear and understood.. Going to go to AJC tomorrow to ask about my chances, hopefully it would be good but before that going to play soccer with my primary school friends and Mithiran, Yun and Adwin would be joining me, I guess soccer would never be the same again.. hahas =) Today was quite an 'eye-opener day' as I went for the SAJC open house with some of my primary school friends and secondary school friends, the JC was huge and the facilities impressed me the most, overall, I had quite a good impression of the school but it still going to be my second choice because my first would have to be AJC even though the facilities there can't be compared to SAJC but it was very much nearer to my house and I thought that convenience ruled out everything plus the fact that some of my primary and secondary school friends will be going there too makes it an even more tempting choice over SAJC. I guess thats all! Have to sleep now if not I wouldn't be able to wake up for soccer later on. Good luck everyone and enjoy the rest of your well deserved holidays! =) God Bless, Joshua Yeo
This is the time.. January 14, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Hi, been awhile since I blogged even though it is only one day, hahas... So I here I am again =) Well, been thinking of which JC to go and what subjects to take these 2 days. Hopefully, I would be able to go into my desired JC : AJC & be good enough to take 4 H2s. =) For all those who are choosing their choices, one advice I can give you which is quoted from my friends is that choose somewhere near your house so that the ride back home would not be mentally draining and don't give up if you really want a course in the poly or JC easily without even trying in the first place. I am going to apply today, so all the best to everyone applying for their desired course in a poly or JC and to me too! =) Thats all folks! God Bless, Joshua Yeo
This is the time.. January 13, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Hi! Today was such an exhilarating and heart stopping day... It was the day of the release of Os results, I was glad I was able to sleep the whole night through until around 11 am in the morning before I changed and went out to meet Yun Yi, Adwin & Mithiran for lunch. We had a great time together before we went to school to collect the results. When we got to school, it was around 1.50pm so we went to the hall, waited for another 10 minutes and it was time! It started off with a presentation on admin matters by the VP then on to the results in general for the whole school and finally the individual top scorers, I was happy and sad for that part, happy for my friends who made it to the top 20 and sad that I wasn't part of it, it was sort of ironic.. But o well, human nature. I got 11 for L1R5 in the end and I thought it was like WTH cause I wanted at the very least a 10 so that I could make it to AJC safely but still I thought for a whole 2 hours before I came to a conclusion that it was fine and I could still make it to AJC if my testimonial was good enough, so I would definitely strive for it and hopefully, I get in. To all of you who didn't do as well as what you wanted, I have this to say : it is fine, just move and don't dwell on it any longer as it will definitely affect you emotionally, nothing will be changed at the end of the day and worse of all, it may destroy you completely and lead you to commit suicide. So why not just move on and do your best in every single thing you do now? I have also one quote to encourage you, 'When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.' Thats all I guess, congrats to all those that have done well and continue to strive on, for all those who have not, GAMBATTE! =) God Bless, Joshua Yeo
This is the time.. January 12, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Hi! 35 Hours to release of Os results, how exciting, nail-biting is that! Anyway, let's get updated on the past two days for me =) Friday was a poly open house day for me, I went for SP and NP, I asked about the courses which I was interested in which was Aerospace Technology, Aerospace Electronics or Aeronautical Engineering. I was overwhelmed by the amount of information provided to me by one of the lecturers in NP when I asked him about the course. Frankly speaking, I am uncertain of which course to choose but O well, at the end of the day, I hope to get into a JC so I guess it is alright. Hahas =) So that was Friday for me! Today was well quite a tiring day and yet at the same time, refreshing. I woke up at around 10 am cause I was super shag on Friday and I slept at like 1 am so I am not a pig! =) I played FIFA Online 2, a new soccer game which I am currently playing, it is quite fun and engaging. Until around 2.30 pm, my brother and I went to City Hall to meet my sister and her friend for the SMU Can! Run, it was some run to kick off YOG, the distance was 2010m as YOG is held during 2010 and it wasn't suppose to make me sweat but because of the numerous stoppages during the run, I sweat like mad after 1 km. It was quite a major event as I saw different secondary and JCs sent their athletes for this particular event, besides the run, there was also many other different activities that were buzzing around. Overall, it was quite fun and tiring... After that, I quickly got to my church for cell group which was the part on refreshing as the sermon was how we should commit things into God's hands and let him settle all the things without us worrying and it was relevant to me as the Os results are going to be released on monday and I am going to place it into God's hands and not worry my time away, so if you, who are reading this post are getting your results on monday, be reassured that everything will be okay with God there =) I learnt a new game called 'Bang!' too, it was super fun and I suggest you should learn and buy it too.. Okay thats all folks! Good luck to everyone taking your results on monday! =) God Bless, Joshua Yeo
This is the time.. January 10, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Hi! Super Hectic Day today but it was fulfilling, the day started out with waking up this time by myself but when I looked at the time, it was already 7.30am and I promised Mithiran to be at his house by 8 am so I quickly got up, bathe and changed. I scurried out with my mother accompanying me to Yio Chu Kang MRT where we parted as she went for work while I took 72 to Hougang CC, got to Mithiran House at around 8.45 am, we played a few Fifa 2009 games and this super fun game called 'Pandi Panda' which tests your reaction. After that we made our way to school to celebrate Mr Chan's birthday with a cake that we bought the day before. So we went, celebrated, conducted TCS for quite awhile before we went to Pasir Ris, Wild Wild Wet, on the way there we continued the 'Pandi Panda' game and played 'Bluff' too. We reached Pasir Ris in a matter of 30 mins and went on our way to Wild Wild Wet, we paid like $16 each for the admission as the NTUC card can't be used unless the card holder is present, it really sucked but o well... So we got into Wild Wild Wet & started out with one round around the 'Shiok River', we moved on to the 'Tsunami', then on to the 'Waterwork' & 'Ulah lah', finally, 'Slide Up'. We kept up with this until we stopped for a break with KFC & 'Bluff'. We met three kids in the process too, two of them was at 'Ulah lah' and the other at 'Slide Up', it was hilarious and fun to get along with them. P.S. Don't be mistake us as Perverts! =(. Lots of other things happened too but it was quite a private thing so I won't mention it. We created this song too for a guy whom we saw spending his day in Wild Wild Wet reading & sleeping. It goes like this, 'On the fifth day of christmas, my father gave to me, 5 story books, 4 sleeping bags, 3 MP3s, 2 Buffalo Stomach & 1 Big Lump Of Fat'. Hahas =) We left Wild Wild Wet At 7 pm which was their closing time & went to White Sands for dinner to end it all off. Thats all folks! =) God Bless, Joshua Yeo Finally, A Group Picture With The Two Strangers To End It Off... Eh, NO TREPASSING! Usain Bolt's Signature Move! In Wild Wild Wet!
This is the time.. January 08, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Hi! Today was yet another tiring but fun day! =) Was abruptly woken up from my sleep by my mother who was reminding me that I had badminton in like 15 mins time, so I woke up and quickly bathe, get ready the things needed and changed. I started badminton with marcus puey who came the earliest, follow by desmond and lastly, jared who came 30 mins before the end of the session but he can't be blamed either cause he just came back from a chalet at 6 am and had only 2 hours of sleep. So we played, swam after that and went for sauna for like an hour with intervals in between to cool off, it was one fulfilling TCS. After that we went our separate ways after bathing and agreed to meet at 1 pm at Yio Chu Kang MRT so that we can go to Revenue House at Novena to eat at this japanese restaurant to celebrate marcus's birthday. In the end, Desmond didn't go, so the 3 of us made our way to Novena Square to meet the other two girls, Felicia & Shuyan. So everything went well, until the ending part of the lunch at the japanese restaurant when we were supposed to get the cake for marcus puey undectected by him.. So we made up excuses like need to go to toilet and all to go get the cake at Andersen, the strawberry ice cream cake was small and it cost $28, so in the end, we ended up paying $7 each for the cake. Marcus was shocked when there was a cake for him and all along, we were thinking that he knew from the start because of the chain of events which made it quite obvious what we were trying to do. After the cake has been cut and ate, we paid for the lunch which cost $84 for 5 people. I guess it was alright considering the amount of food we ordered. We went for a movie after that and it was 'Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea', it cost $6 and it was both funny and the most retarded movie I have ever seen though there were values imbued in it. All in all, today was a blast and hopefully for marcus, it would be the most unforgettable birthday he has ever had and would always remain as part of his happy memories! =) The Aftermath Of Lunch! Group Picture, From Left To Right: Felicia, Jared, Me, Shuyan. Middle: Birthday Boy (Marcus Puey) God Bless, Joshua Yeo
This is the time.. January 07, 2009
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